Sunday, June 10, 2012

Culinary Interlude

The pickings on traditional broadcast feed have been slim this week. I was not impressed with the pilot for Saving Hope, and as such, no link. I was also not impressed with the climax of Awake, as I warned most of you that I wouldn't be. As a mid-season replacement, however, the series is worth viewing again as a gaming theory deployment, since we are living in the post-Lost aftermath, and any number of series have come and gone, failed or succeeded, in the wake of JJ Abrams and his dubious reinvention of the wheel, and I say dubious because nothing going on in television today is new, and Cervantes himself could make Abrams look conceptually infantile, and yes, that can be asserted even if I only followed the series for two seasons. Little Vinnie has found a new lease in hunting a fly, but he does not have his brother's furred toes. I do not know whether he is depressed by his brother's absence or not, but he has thrown a few mewing tantrums, and seemed to be crying to me, begging me, in fact, to give him back his brother, and perhaps this fictionalized feline empathy is why I am a failure, or points to it, though Doris Lessing and Muriel Spark liked cats better than children as well. I realize children are necessary, but humanity in and of itself is not, and on that note, I am driving to the convenience store in desperation on a partial charge; I will never be able to restore what Joey's death took from me, and yes, we all lose pets and either replace them or do not, but to quote Anthony Hopkins trying to play a repressed minority trying to pass, Joey was not the first love of my life, and not even the greatest, but he was my last. I will be back in a few hours, give or take.

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