Saturday, February 2, 2013

7 Stages

"What about the coldness of the narrator?"-- one of my astute online critical evaluators.

I could envision that my voice raises concerns for the young cyber turks who manage to keep twitter running smoothly. "We try not to interfere," does not mean they are not skittish about anything that may hint at incitement, and I have done more than hint-- but tweets are the brick wall of my digital age adaptation. I do not like cell phone micro-blogs, and it slipped my mind that adolescents who may have gone from my tweets to my posts here may have shit a few bricks-- in essence I hit the tweet button without contemplating twitter culture, how it flares and ends careers that fast, but my career, as such, ended with this merry enclave in 2004, unfortunately. I do not particularly disdain New Mobility for being what it is, a hybrid of Cosmo, my relation to Josie aside. I am mildly piqued at Tim Gilmer for dropping me off his team of contributors after I did my feature, and I have toyed with confronting him about it, but he probably wouldn't offer me an explanation. I visited their online board and shouldn't have (it is not important to detail, but if Poets & Writers banned me for public arguments, on NM's board a quad in Florida posted that I needed to be raped and have my throat cut, and I pasted it in, and reported). That was the only time I played cop, but then got the cold shoulder on any further access as a contributor.

Add two and two together with Josie's need to control her own territory.

However, New Mobility has one or two key notes and repeats these scales, emulating most periodical impulse content, and twitter is not viable for giving me social anchorage. I understand it but intellectually look on it as a virus, and the viral snub by Susanna Daniel effectively eliminated twitter as an interactive community for me. Like Strether, and yes, I may edit that stub, it is clumsy, I feel snubs like spears. I am still conflicted about the magazine, as a second clip would not hurt, but that would take moxie at this point.

Josie and Tim do not read my blog, I am sure. They do what they need to to keep the publication which employs them alive, but this doesn't discount the ripple effect. I could also turn this on its head, submit a piece about being an alienated one time contributor, and why. It would take guts, me to submit it, NM to dare publish it, and Josie to stomach it-- which is not the same thing as becoming her public adversary.

Until his PBS run this evening, I never considered Derek Jacobi sexually attractive. Odd times, but his apostasy, like that of most deniers who relish the implausible, does not make much sense. The Earl was an aristocrat, and just as easily as Essex might have been hanged or beheaded for anarchy, or subverting the security of the state. Not sure I am going to group today. Time to rest, however.

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