Thursday, September 27, 2012

Here We Go

Dick Wolf's Law & Order series was ahead of Slate contributor Jennifer Bleyer by 15, 20 years, at least, that the dark side of identity politics was going to lead us down this inextricable, and really ugly path. I am not like Jennifer's inter-source critic, Reisman, and will not say that executing pedophiles is the answer, though I have stated that Sandusky should receive the death penalty, but again, I am asking progressives, at what point are any of you going to say enough is enough? I can never go back to monotheism, but I have no problem tying my atheism to my own moral values, and we have to stop using biology as an excuse for relativism. I did push too hard yesterday, I had little choice, and so I am expanding and revising this after a lengthy rest, but at the rate we are going, we're losing any pragmatic sense of our own humanity. Violence, and aggression do actually have a function within evolutionary theory. Dominant males in many mammalian species kill to eliminate the faulty wiring that Jennifer suggests should be met with empathy, gunning very hard to put us in the pedophile's place-- not here.

Compassion is not going to keep our species in the best shape. Survival is brutal but that is how things work, and I know this will shock some of you, but when my dad got drunk in 05 and said he did not force my mother to abort me, well, maybe he should have. Not that systemic culling should result in mayhem like this, or even like this. Erin Moran clearly has not adapted to the fact that her fifteen minutes has expired, but what about those of us who haven't spiraled out of control? I suffered until my late twenties, and my life came to a halt pretty much by the age of 42. It is eight years of punishment later, and my body is breaking down. How can I move on if I cannot change my circumstances, no longer capable of sustaining the commute and punishment field work inflicted?

The disability movement shuts this down, saying take pride, be empowered, yep, they empowered me to nearly the edge of suicide, and will never take responsibility for it. I will not be around long enough to see the nightmare that is coming your way, and it is a consolation.

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